Saturday, June 19, 2010

Party Week #1: custom napkins

PaRtY wEeK

To start off party week......
The easiest and least expensive detail in making a shower/party perfect. If you enjoy throwing parties or do a lot of it you know that all the little details really make it all special. I recently threw a baby shower for my cousin and I have this STAMP that I love <3. Plus shower... umbrella... get it?!

SO. today's tutorial is: custom napkins.

Take a stack of colored napkins that 'go' with you party theme. Pick a coordinating stamp color but make sure it will show up on your napkins. Take one napkin aside and use it to test ink colors on if you aren't sure or if your napkins are dark and you need to make sure.

Stamp in the corner of the napkin. You can stamp a small symbol like I did or stamp a name, a date, a phrase, etc. If you are doing your own wedding OR a bridal shower you could stamp the wedding date or the names/ initials. Possibilities are endless. Just make sure it isn't too long! I stamped 40 napkins in 10 minutes or less so this isn't a crazy undertaking. SO! Don't pay for your party store to customize your napkins if you think you'll have time to do your own!!!

Have fun!

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